
First, ensure you have gone through Installation of RiverREM.

Input DEM#

After installing RiverREM, you’ll need a digital elevation model (DEM) for the area of interest. Some sources for free topographic data:

To read the DEM into a REMMaker object, we run the following code:

from riverrem.REMMaker import REMMaker
# provide the DEM file path and desired output directory
rem_maker = REMMaker(dem='/path/to/dem.tif')

The REMMaker accepts other arguments to specify things like custom river centerlines and output locations. See the REM Module documentation for more.

Making an REM#

Next, we can create an REM from the input DEM. If a centerline shapefile was not provided, RiverREM will automatically identify the largest river in the DEM domain using OpenStreetMaps.

# create an REM

Running this produces an output REM, containing the detrended elevation values (elevation heights relative to the river). The raw REM can be visualized using a GIS program such as QGIS and processed/analyzed manually if desired.

Making a colorful REM visualization#

Lastly, we apply shading and color mapping to the REM to make a colorful visualization:

# create an REM visualization with the given colormap

Visualization options#

By default, the colormap is applied to a logarithmically-transformed REM elevation values. This is used to emphasize elevation differences closer to the river and make the river geomorphology more prominent.

Any named colormap from matplotlib, seaborn, or cmocean can be specified for the cmap parameter. Alternatively, a custom colormap can be specified in the form of a function that takes numeric inputs in the 0-255 range and outputs (R, G, B) tuples in the 0-1 range.

The color relief REM is also blended with a hillshade raster to give a 3D shadow effect. Vertical exaggeration can be adjusted with the z parameter. The amount of hillshade/color blending can be specified by the blend_percent parameter.

For a fill list of options and descriptions of methods, see REM Module documentation.